A bit about me

I’m a Yoga Therapist (in training) and a Scientist with a degree in molecular biology. I’m Y12SR Certified (Yoga for Addiction Recovery) and trauma informed.

 I was drawn to the practice of yoga initially as a self help method after experiencing complex trauma and grief. With a background in genetics and molecular biology, I find the intersection of modern science and the ancient tradition of yoga to be highly fertile soil for the seeds of our true selves to blossom from. 

My life and my yoga classes offer a balance of creativity and clear intentionality. I'm a warm and joyful person, endlessly exploring what it means to be human. I see classes as a chance to encourage students to listen to the inherent wisdom of their own hearts and lived truths while leading them on a journey of self-exploration. I believe that practicing yoga doesn't teach us to be calm, but to discover greater depths of inner harmony by staying connected to our true selves while we experience different emotional states and sensations. With a reverence for the body and soul alike, I infuse both somatic concepts and dharma talks into my offerings. 

I enjoy teaching a variety of classes. You can find me teaching restorative slow flows, trigger point release classes, yoga nidra, giving yoga philosophy talks, and leading sound baths in the Madison, WI area.